Gold Stevie Award for Female Entrepreneur of the Year

It is with great pride that I share the news of winning a Gold Stevie Award for Female Entrepreneur of the Year 2020 for my High Impact Leadership Coaching. The Stevie Awards for Women in Business are the world’s premier business awards for women entrepreneurs, executives, employees, and the organisations they run. The mission of the Stevie Awards is to recognize and generate public awareness of excellence in the workplace.
“Sue is obviously a dedicated and experienced coach helping individuals to make significant and lasting change particularly in the area of corporate leadership – where constant change and challenges are inevitable.” Judge, Stevie Awards
To gain recognition from such a prestigious organisation for the coaching services I provide, was a huge achievement.
Being considered the number one leadership coach for individuals across the financial services sector in Europe, as well as quadrupling my business turnover and becoming a best-selling author, have been great accomplishments and have helped to strengthen my coaching business, and to further improve my coaching programme.
“Sue is obviously passionate about her work. Her clients have provided strong testimonials on their success as a direct result of her coaching. Sue has built a reputation that resulted in growth into larger organizations for executive coaching.”
As a high impact life and leadership coach, raised in the army and with over 13 years’ experience working for the BBC as a journalist, I know what leaders suffer with as they try to develop visionary leadership skills. Managing important business decisions, moving away from operational delivery and focusing on the wider business direction are crippling challenges that senior leaders face, and ones that I have proven results in.
Building an effective coaching relationship between coach and client is something that was recognised in my award nomination.
Best Coach – Finalist Best Business Women Awards
I am also honoured to be a Silver winner of the Best Business Women Awards in the category “Best Coach”. These prestigious, nationwide Awards are designed to recognise the achievement of women entrepreneurs across a wide range of industries.
Pushing through the pandemic, I continued to drive my coaching practise forwards. The judges were impressed by the creativity, tenacity and great business acumen demonstrated.
Debbie Gilbert, organiser of The Best Business Women Awards said:
‘The 7th year of these prestigious awards has proved to be the most challenging for business owners worldwide. The entries were judged by a panel of business experts who had a tough job reading hundreds of entries. To be a finalist in this competition is a major achievement and a mark of quality. All our finalists either win a Silver or Gold Award. The businesswomen selected have been chosen for their business acumen, determination, creativity, and tenacity. All our finalists are all shining examples of being successful entrepreneurs who have proved their success to our judges.”

The Business Book Awards, Personal Development and Wellbeing Book Finalist
The Business Book Awards celebrate the work of authors who have shared their industry or market knowledge, experience and expertise in published book form. The standard of entries from my fellow authors is high and the quality of their content is inspiring.
My book, Change Your Life In Five, won me a place as a Finalist in The Business Book Awards 2021, Personal and Wellbeing category. It was recognised as offering insight and improvement in physical and mental health, and personal skills development.
Sue has worked with a range of industry leaders, facilitating exceptional turnarounds across roles and lives, enabling individuals to create outstanding and lasting impact on the businesses they work for, which in turn drives business growth and organisational agility.

Gold Stevie Winner
For Women In Business

“Sue is an outstanding coach, she really listens very carefully and understands immediately what you need to do, then she gets straight to the point with practical tools and solutions.”
Rodolphe Plouvier, Senior Management at Generali, France

As part of my successful nomination for the Stevie Gold Award, my coaching work with Rodolphe Plouvier at Generali, France was highlighted.
In 2019 I was approached by the leading European insurance provider, Generali, to support newly promoted executives to grow into their roles as leaders. Over the following year, I worked with a range of executives and leaders to help them make exceptional transformations across their own roles and lives. I created an outstanding impact on the businesses they work for and in turn, helped them drive their business growth.
Rodolphe had been working in business operations and with such incredible technical expertise, he had recently been promoted to the leadership committee. However, he did not embrace the change as he did not feel prepared for it. Rodolphe couldn’t deliver visionary leadership to the wider business when he felt stressed from working long, tiring hours, challenged by difficult communications with his team. He felt disengaged through a lack of work-life balance. He was at a critical point in his career and was at risk of failing in his new role if something wasn’t done to help him, fast.
My coaching engagement started by discovering Rodolphe’s specific limiting beliefs, understanding his fears, and most importantly, helping him understand his own barriers to change and how he could resolve them for the greater good of his own health and welfare, as well as for the benefit of the Generali France team and the business.

Working with Rodolphe on all of these areas resulted in an outstanding visionary senior leader who now works fewer hours than ever, yet makes a higher impact – and helps his team and the whole business to do the same.
The impact of my coaching work with Rodolphe has been truly life-changing for him, just as it has for the many individuals I have supported in leadership roles across the UK and Europe
For more information on the coaching programme he followed click here
Change Your Life in 5
Change Your Life In Five is a starting point for people who feel stuck and want more out of life, but have no idea where to begin. The book showcases my tried and tested method which has inspired thousands of individuals to embark upon a fearless journey of self-discovery.

Timely intervention for a world grappling with the effect of COVID-19. In the words of Amazon reader, Elaine:

The recognition of this prestigious accolade amongst my coaching peers, and the feedback following it from readers, has really inspired me in my commitment to personal development and continuing to deliver my award-winning coaching programme.
Sue connects to readers by writing about what she knows and, according to TV presenter, Tracey Cox, “This woman knows her stuff!”
Actor/writer Niamh McGrady confirms: “It’s like having your own personal coach with you at all times.”

To get your FREE copy of my book (for just the price of P+P!) click here