What Is Your True Life Purpose

What Is Your True Life Purpose

What’s your life purpose? Have you ever found yourself wondering what it’s all about? You get up and go to work, come home, eat, sleep. Rinse and repeat. Everyone’s experience is unique, and yet there are common patterns and experiences that we can recognise in ourselves and others. This is what researchers are looking for when they measure certain attitudes…

Design your life – The Master Plan

Design your life – The Master Plan

Now you are equipped with the five core principles of how to make permanent, meaningful changes in your life, it’s time for the doing bit.   ‘If you are working on something exciting that you really care about, you don’t have to be pushed. The vision pulls you.’ STEVE JOBS Create a clear vision It is important to have a…

Saying No

Saying No

This is an issue I see again and again with my clients. If, like my clients, you struggle with the idea of prioritizing your self-care over everyone else’s needs, then read on. Saying ‘no’ is about creating healthy boundaries around your time and energy; it is not about being mean or selfish or disregarding the wants or needs of others.…

Feeling stuck? You always have a choice

Feeling stuck? You always have a choice

Feel stuck and depressed The knowledge that in any given moment we all actually have a choice was the first major realization I gained through my own experience of coaching. Up until that time, possibly like you, I felt that I was at the mercy of certain things in my life. I really thought that there were many circumstances that…


Email me: sue@suebelton.com
**I am currently working both remotely and face-to-face in Central London. We can discuss which would be most suitable and relevant to you and/or your organisation needs.


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