Does Coaching Work? An investigation into the positive outcomes for Executive Coaching by Leadership and Career Coach Sue Belton, based on a study of her recent client feedback.
After thirteen years of working with both corporate and private clients, I wanted to know the result of our work together and how it had benefitted each of them. I wanted to assess their feelings before and after coaching and see whether they felt it had “worked” for them. I also did some research of my own on the proven positive effects of coaching and found some interesting results.
If we just went on popularity, then the answer to “does coaching work” is a firm yes. The coaching industry continues to go grow, and even experienced a surge during the recent global pandemic. Evidence suggests that most people believe that coaching is beneficial for them and good for their business. So… how does coaching work?
“Sue Belton has given me tools to recognise and deal with stress which I never would have had, and that is very helpful and effective for me.”
With the current popularity of professional coaching rising, it poses many questions. Why are there so many available coaches?
How can we now access so much readily available coaching support? When did executive coaching become a term for the general populace and not the sole property of business leaders? No longer the secret solution to fixing a managerial problem, professional coaching has firmly been put out into the open.
Professional coaching can provide a safe haven in the challenging, fast-paced, and ever-changing business environment we find ourselves in. Its flexibility suits the adaptations we have had to make, both before and during the global pandemic. The instructional nature of it particularly appeals to those that have faced isolation in the workplace. Many organisations and business leaders have identified coaching as a critical component of their management strategy. In addition to this, employees are asking for more coaching support, helping to further fuel the demand and belief that coaching works.
The Psychologist found that “executive coaching had moderate and positive impacts on individual performance and skills, well-being, coping, work attitudes and goal-directed self-regulation”
The benefits of coaching are widely reported and are as varied as the individuals involved. Improvements in business performance increased personal satisfaction and better communication are accepted as the main benefits of coaching support. Coaching provides people with time, support and guidance. It offers one to one support from a respected professional, often with quick and lasting results.
Recent data suggests that 80% of people who receive coaching support report increased self-confidence, with over 70% benefitting from improved work performance, relationships and more effective communication skills. So does this mean coaching works?
The results from my study support this research further, showing that 100% of my clients reported an improvement in work-life balance, decision making and self-belief.
They all also considered they had undergone a significant improvement in their career satisfaction, motivation levels and mental health. 100% also considered coaching a good investment, and would happily recommend coaching to others.
“The plan I build with Sue is on the verge of becoming reality and it feels really good to be able to finally live the life I have been dreaming of for so long”
Despite the increase in professional coaching, there remains a lot of diversity in the quality of coaching on offer.
Effective coaching is a complex and challenging skill set, and the experience of the coach will help determine whether there is a positive impact on the client. It’s really important you do due diligence when looking for a good coach. Check out their credentials, their testimonials, see or speak to at least three – chemistry and rapport are vital in terms of how successful the coaching is.
“Since working with Sue, I’ve been able to address the things that were blocking me at the time – she helped me make a 2-year plan and I completed every step on it, getting me to where I wanted to be. I’ve continued to use the tools and techniques she taught me to help move my life and my career forward. And since working with Sue, I’ve been working on my own coaching journey…”
So does coaching work? Based on my case study results, and on the additional research I have carried out, I believe the answer remains a firm yes. Other factors, such as a successful relationship between a coach and client, and a firm commitment from the individual being coached, are just as important for a continued positive impact.
Coaching is not a quick fix or something that is done to you. To really work, you need to be an equal, active partner in what can absolutely be a life-changing process. Whenever I speak to someone about us potentially working together I am very transparent about the fact that it takes time, energy, and commitment.
So as well as asking the question “does coaching work?”, you should also be asking yourself the question “Am I ready to do the work?”.
Since 2008, hundreds of people have followed my unique methodology to take back control of their lives, leadership and career.
Trust me: Courage, Clarity + Choice will get you to where you want to be.
If you are a successful, goal-driven professional who is ready to take their next step up, and wants more out of life, contact me to find out how we can achieve that together.
Need help redesigning your life + career? There are a few ways I can do that
- To get clear on what you do and don’t want in your life + career moving forward, get my book Change Your Life in 5 for free now (just pay P+P). Click here
- Ready to get unstuck in just one hour – and moving forward into the next phase of your life? Book a power-hour Reset Session with me now click here
- If you’re ready to do more in-depth or longer-term work on redesigning your life + career, I’ve opened up a few slots for working with me 1-1. Book your free Discovery Call with me by clicking here and find out how I can help.
- If you are interested in Leadership (including remote leadership) + Executive Coaching for you or your team, find out more about my unique Conscious Leader programme by clicking here
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