positive things to say to yourself

Positive things to say to yourself

What’s the kindest thing you can say to yourself or do for yourself right here, right now? If like me you have a tendency to beat yourself up, ruminate on past failures or mistakes, never acknowledge what you have achieved what you are doing or if you suffer from imposter syndrome or perfectionism, they’re all linked, and you seriously need to start practising some self-compassion now because contrary to what you might think, it’s not some self-indulgent claptrap.

Hippie-ish rubbish, quite the opposite. Multiple studies have shown that self-compassion will help you achieve more and achieve your goals more effectively.

And not only in the short term but also in the long run. Also, studies have shown that self-compassion actually affects your whole body chemistry. So taking you from that super anxious, hyper-vigilant, never being able to pause, always wanting more more more, to taking you from that to really calming your system, having you feel less anxious and less stressed.

So if you want to achieve more, be more successful, achieve all of your goals and feel less stressed, less anxious and enjoy the ride in the process, then start practising self-compassion. Now look and there are loads of tools techniques I’ve got them all in my book, I’ve written a whole chapter on that but right here, right now, you can start by asking yourself that question.

What’s the kind of thing I could say to myself or do for myself right here right now?

And if like me I have had to train myself to do this, if you struggle even being able to do that, just think, what would you say or recommend to a dear friend? And then do it.

I would love to hear your comments on this one in the box below. Thanks for watching!

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