Award Winning Life Coach, Motivational Speaker + Leadership Specialist




For more informations check the page: Awards & Honours

Why Me?

I work with + speak to successful, ambitious, goal-driven professionals who want more out of life.


Because I am one + I walk the talk TO THE MAX.


Rewind to 2006.

I had a successful career as a TV producer, a young family + the daughter I’d always wanted + should have felt on top of the world.

I didn’t.

I woke up every day deeply + profoundly unhappy with every element of my life. Everything was wrong, but I didn’t know what to do about it. I was in stasis, a shell of a person – life was passing me by. I tried harder, worked harder, thought harder. But all my skills, experience + coping strategies were useless.

My resilience had deserted me.

What should I do?

I should have known that food, alcohol + Netflix weren’t the solution. It took a while to realise that. Then, feeling pretty hopeless, I signed up for a 45-minute coaching call with a professional coach. It changed my life. Now I’m here to change yours. But it’s not that I think I’m perfect – far from it. I’m a work in progress, just like you are.

Now, it’s my mission to help you get in a place where YOU can take ownership of your life + make the changes you yearn for.

“I will help you create extreme clarity + a consciously designed life”

Award Winning Life Coach Motivational Speaker

Sue Belton talking to the Marketing Agencies Action Group about the importance of purpose

How to Pivot Your Career, a flagship online programme for Allbright Women’s Club

Talking to TV freelancers about managing the anxieties of returning to work after COVID-19

Sue Belton Talking to Katie Price on My CRAZY Life | Season 2 Episode 1 | Everything Changes


I am a life coach motivational speaker, leadership coach + author.

I have appeared in a number of national and international publications. Just click the image below to read the articles.


CONtact ME

Podcasts & Radio

Looking for an entertaining + knowledgeable guest? Please contact me

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Allbright: How to Pivot your Career (with PURPOSE)
(Click to Listen)

Award Winning Leadership + Life Coach + Motivational Speaker

For successful, ambitious, goal-driven professionals who want more out of life + the HR teams that support them
Something’s stopping you from stepping up to the next phase of your life.

Is it limiting beliefs, or just a feeling you can’t yet articulate?

You want so much more: to be successful on your own terms, to have happier, calmer life where you feel in control.
You deeply need satisfaction, contentment + peace. I can help you find your power + break through your self-imposed limitations. I can help you create balance, so you can achieve with purpose + meaning + find inner peace at last. If you want to achieve beyond your expectations every day for the rest of your life + enjoy the ride, you’ve come to the right place.

I’m here to help you through speaking, media appearances, workshops + my own business coaching packages.
Now you can step into the life you were born to lead.

Have You Read My Book Yet?


You’re more powerful than you know! Work with me and start to create your new life, now!

Sue supported me in making a significant career transition. I had a lot of experience in running large and complex organisations, but did not want everything else that went with that kind of job for some time. Sue helped me reposition myself, realise what was transferable and how it might be pitched to others. This was packaged it all within a new ‘modus operandi’ for living. Principally it was coaching, but that also included being held to account when there was a risk of going back to the familiar, or in doing something out of step with the values and ideals established with her guidance.

I’m now six months into a portfolio life, working across a range of clients and also now aiming to go beyond my previous areas of expertise. I am now much more in control over how I spend my time, and have a balance which has rarely been achieved for far too many years.

Recommend her very strongly!

Alex Atherton
Education Consultant

It’s interesting to me how profound and yet how subtle the effects of life coaching with Sue are. They’re far reaching and long lasting. I find myself using the tools she endowed me with almost a year after my coaching ended. And I can see them being tools I use for the rest of my life.

I wouldn’t hesitate in recommending Sue as your life coach as long as you feel you’re ready for coaching. Sue means business!

Kate Bendix
Author and Founder

Coaching with Sue is like having a best friend who holds you to account and tells you the truth with empathy – far more than any friend really would. She is kind, and has a huge amount of empathy whist being intuitive, fun and quite rightly demanding of her clients. She helps people cross boundaries and achieve goals that they may otherwise think were impossible. 

Sue really is a phenomenal coach. Insightful and thoughtful, she carefully takes the time to understand what makes you who you are to guide you to where you want to be. Her approach is focused on honesty, respect and accountability; she challenges you to look further than your established beliefs and pushes you to commit and follow through with plans and goals. She effortlessly creates an environment of trust and I’ve come away from my time working with her with clarity, purpose and a plan with tangible steps for my future. I would highly recommend her to anyone. 

Sarah Conway

Sue is a masterful and life-changing coach. She models what it is to be a woman truly living from purpose and as a client of Sue’s, I found that extremely inspiring. She has challenged me where necessary and supported and championed my achievements along the way when I made progress. In less than a year, Sue has helped me figure out my life purpose and create a life of meaning. I would highly, highly recommend working with Sue.

Pooja Dhiman

Sue was a fantastic coach. I was six minutes late to our first session. Her first questions to me were “What stopped you getting here on time today?” and “What does that cost you in your life?”. I knew straight away that this was someone who would give me candid feedback and ask hard and at times uncomfortable questions when needed. She was also able to do this, while remaining incredibly kind and supportive. Through my sessions with her, I uncovered the things that are really important to me and identified old beliefs and ideas that were holding me back from pursuing them. I can’t recommend her highly enough.

Odharnait Ansbro

Coaching with Sue is like having a best friend who holds you to account and tells you the truth with empathy – far more than any friend really would. She is kind, and has a huge amount of empathy whist being intuitive, fun and quite rightly demanding of her clients. She helps people cross boundaries and achieve goals that they may otherwise think were impossible.

Sophie Brown
CFO & Property Developer

I was scared to take any action but I knew something wasn’t right. I was demotivated, I lacked ambition but I felt so scared to make a change. I was really worried about what people would think. I felt lost and couldn’t picture my future.

After working with Sue, I am living more in the now. Some things which I have addressed are things I didn’t even know would be goals and things to overcome. I found clarity in addressing where my beliefs come from and I no longer seek validation from other people, which before was for everything. I have been learning about myself – where my limiting beliefs come from and breaking it down.

I now feel that I can actually plan and consider living in another country!

Holly Dawkins

Working with Sue has helped me grow and learn as a Co-Active coach enormously – Sue has demonstrated and explained all of the CTI principles with clarity and transparency. She has helped me understand my saboteurs, my life purpose which was still unclear even after core curriculum, and connect me to my strengths. She has helped me with clients to serve them best.

Sue is worth every penny – she is informative, brilliant, supportive, extremely knowledgeable about CTI, holds you accountable to your goals, will help you develop your business such that you will reap the benefits financially.

Nancy Wilde CPCC
Entrepreneur Coach