Are you deceiving your self? How to find out, and what to do about it to become a better leader (and human).
I’ve never written so extensively about a book before, but after having read Leadership and Self-Deception by the Arbinger Institute, I felt massively compelled to, as it’s one of the most (if not the most), insightful books on leadership I have ever read. Leadership and Self-Deception is a guide to becoming self-aware – by learning ...
Saying No
This is an issue I see again and again with my clients. If, like my clients, you struggle with the idea of prioritizing your self-care over everyone else’s needs, then read on. Saying ‘no’ is about creating healthy boundaries around your time and energy; it is not about being mean or selfish or disregarding the ...
Do you suffer from Imposter Syndrome?
Imposter syndrome and how to overcome it You’re a fake, you’re a fraud and you’re about to get found out. Is this something you tell yourself on a regular basis despite all of the evidence and all of your achievements otherwise? If so, then you might be one of the millions of unfortunate people who ...
There is Another Way
Unhappy at work what to do There is another way. If you’ve been sleepwalking for the past couple of years in your job, if you felt disappointed if you felt disinterested, dissatisfied, unfulfilled. But you don’t know what to do about it. If you read all the self help books you’ve done some courses. You’re ...