Conquer Fear

Conquer Fear

Why does fear exist CONQUER From the Latin conquirere meaning to ‘gain, or ‘win’; to successfully overcome, take control of. What would you do if you knew you could not fail? What would you do if you weren’t so afraid? And what would you do if you didn’t care what people thought? This chapter is all about revealing the fears…

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Your Purpose

Your Purpose

A key to unlocking a deep sense of ‘rightness’ in your life is discovering your ‘purpose’. By this, I mean what you are here to do, why you are here and the nature of your contribution to the world. We all have a purpose, we all have a unique contribution to make to this world, at this time When I…

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Your Values

Your Values

By imagining your ideal life – the things that would bring you joy, satisfaction and use your full potential – you have described a life that reflects what you value most. Values are what is most important to you, what you most care about, what makes you tick. This is important because when we are living a life according to…

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I trained with the Co-Active Training Institute (CTI) and one of their core principles is fulfilment. They believe that we all have a yearning for something deeper – a fulfilling life with meaning, purpose and satisfaction. How does that sound to you? Possible? Far-off? Does this apply to what you are doing with your life? And most importantly, why would…

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Waking Up

Waking Up

I think it’s time to rebrand the ‘midlife crisis’. I like to call it ‘waking up’, and I see this as a completely positive life stage to go through. Or rather it can be. If you know what’s going on under the surface. If you use this time in your life to question, re-evaluate, and do some challenging work around…

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The Conflict

The Conflict

Most of my clients talk to me about one or more of the feelings outlined below. They are trapped in their own heads, bound up by fear, overburdened with responsibility, and feeling guilty and frustrated for not being able to think and plan their own way out of their current situation. They never feel present or at peace, and are…

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The Importance of Emotional Intelligence

The Importance of Emotional Intelligence

The Importance of Emotional Intelligence Soft skills aren’t fluffy. The cost of underdeveloped people skills is wastefulness and lost productivity. Conversely, the upside is boosted productivity, engagement and often satisfaction. Are you as productive as you could be? Do you know the capabilities of your emotional intelligence? Read on to find out the importance of emotional intelligence and how my…

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Is This All There Is?

Is This All There Is?

IS THIS ALL THERE IS TO LIFE? It’s natural and normal to reflect on your life, and sometimes big life events such as key birthdays or milestones make you do this more, encouraging you to question what you’re doing and why. Hopefully, you feel pretty content and happy with where you are and where you’re going. However, when you are…

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Busting Imposter Syndrome

Busting Imposter Syndrome

Are you someone who wants to be out there doing things, making a difference? Do you want to start stepping out of your comfort zone? Is abject fear holding you back? Perhaps you feel like a fraud, like you are about to get found out. This article will explore what imposter syndrome is, what it isn’t, as well as why…

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